Heron-Allen Lecture 2020: Models of Social Evolution
Our guest speaker, Professor Phyllis C. Lee, current Professor at the University of Stirling and Director of Science for Amboseli Trust for Elephants, will talk about how sociality evolved in animals and birds, and its consequences for social structure, reproductive strategies, and life histories remains of major interest to zoologists. Using examples from a variety of mammalian species, she will present a simple model for describing sociality along three dimensions. The model outcomes are then related to benefits for reproduction, with an emphasis on primates and elephants as especially long-lived and socially diverse.

The event is free of charge and guests are welcome. A drinks reception will follow in the Monson Room.
Date: 13 March 2020, 17:45
Venue: Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens OX2 6QA
Venue Details: Simpkins Lee Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Professor Phyllis Lee (University of Stirling and Director of Science for Amboseli Trust for Elephants)
Organising department: Lady Margaret Hall
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/heron-allen-lecture-2020-tickets-89036670077
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Chris White, Donna Palfreman