The Rhode to Home Rule: Cecil Rhodes and the Irish Independence Movement

In 1888 Cecil Rhodes gave £10,000 to Charles Stewart Parnell’s Irish Parliamentary Party (IPP). But why would the young and ambitious Rhodes seek the support of the then notorious Parnell at the very moment Parnell was under public suspicion concerning the horrific Phoenix Park murders? And why would an Irish nationalist do business with the most notorious British imperialist of the age?

Using a number of newly discovered sources, this talk will shed fresh light on a highly significant, yet understudied episode in British imperial history, and pose questions about the relationship between Irish nationalism and British imperialism.

Doors open at 5.15pm when guests will enjoy access to Museum galleries and a bar serving wine and soft drinks.
The talk will start at 6pm and will be followed by Q&As.

This is a hybrid event which will also be broadcast online. Tickets for online attendance can be purchased here: