Conservation Culteromics: new decision support currencies
onservation Culturomics: new decision support currencies // Professor Richard Ladle, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
The emergence of vast corpora of digital text opens the possibility of quantifying at scale the ‘culturalness’ of conservation entities: e.g. species and sites. This seminar will present work on the development of new decision-support ‘currencies’ metrics designed to advance the practice and science of conservation. It will explore the ontological and epistemology challenges associated with the new field of conservation culturomics, how they are being worked through, and the potential applications of the new metrics being generated.
Date: 15 February 2018, 16:15 (Thursday, 5th week, Hilary 2018)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: School of Geography and the Environment, Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Professor Richard Ladle (Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil)
Organising department: School of Geography and the Environment
Organiser: Oxford University Biodiversity Network and MPhil/MSc Biodiversity, Conservation & Management
Part of: Technology Empowered Conservation Series: Hilary Term 2018// Part one: Science
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Deborah Strickland, Chris White, Helen Morley, Donna Palfreman