This event is organised by The Sudanese Programme in collaboration with (1) the South Sudanese
Community (UK) and (2) the Middle East Centre, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford.
Presentations include:
Towards Nationhood: The Challenges and Opportunities for Achieving Unity and Nationhood in South Sudan
The Myths and Truths of South Sudan’s National Identity
Communal Conflicts in South Sudan
National Identity and Belonging among South Sudanese Diaspora in the UK
The Impact of Completing Jonglei Canal and Dredging Bahr El Ghazal Basin on the delicate ecosystem of the SUDD Westlands
Elections in the Republic of South Sudan
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Revitalised Agreement on Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan
This 1-day event will close with an evening reception, 6pm-7pm