2024 Thomas Harriot Lecture: Thomas Harriot, Cartography, and Ireland
This year’s Thomas Harriot lecture will be given in the Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College by Dr Annaleigh Margey, Head of Humanities at Dundalk Institute of Technology. The lecture will be followed by an informal drinks reception in the Harris Seminar Room, adjacent to the Lecture Theatre, at 18:00.

Dr Margey’s lecture will be on “Thomas Harriot, Cartography, and Ireland”. It will explore Harriot’s time, especially his cartography output, in Munster. In doing so, it will seek to situate Harriot’s contributions in the wider context of surveying and mapping in sixteenth-century Ireland, focusing in particular on mapping for military subjugation, the reconnaissance of lands, and the establishment of plantation.

All welcome!

For further details, contact Professor Robert Fox at mailto:robert.fox@history.ox.ac.uk or Mrs Rebecca Bricklebank at mailto:rebecca.bricklebank@oriel.ox.ac.uk
Date: 14 November 2024, 17:00
Venue: Oriel College, Oriel Square OX1 4EW
Venue Details: Harris Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr Annaleigh Margey (Dundalk Institute of Technology)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Belinda Clark