SIU Career Sessions 1: The Path to Industry
What if I like research but not teaching? What if I do not like any of them? What alternatives to academia do I have?
We would like to introduce the “SIU Career Sessions”, a termly round of talks focusing on alternative careers for PhD students and postdocs, which will definitely help you with these questions. Get ready to hear from experts and explore new career paths! If you are not sure what is next after your PhD or would just like to be aware of your options, these events are for you!
Our first session will focus on a promising field for PhD-level scientists: industry. In this event, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from high profile speakers from two pharmaceutical companies with different focuses: Novo Nordisk and Immunocore. The speakers will bring not only information about the attributes they seek in potential employees, but also the daily life in industry and opportunities for a successful and stable career in big pharmaceutical companies. We will also learn from their first-hand experience how they took the career transition path to industry.
Is industry for you? Come find out with us!
26 April 2018, 17:30
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QU
Venue Details:
New Biochemistry Building, Main Seminar Room
Speaker: Various Speakers
Science Innovation Union
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
SIU Career Sessions
Booking required?:
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Cameron Gardner