How can improving farmer health and wellbeing enhance resilience?
Climate change, poverty and health are inextricably linked. Safeguarding rural livelihoods from the destabilizing impacts of extreme weather events can promote the health and wellbeing of farmers, their families and communities, thereby ensuring a more resilient agricultural sector. This panel will consider whole-systems approaches to improve farmer health and wellbeing, from climate-sensitive health risks, their exposure pathways, and vulnerability factors, to the importance of enhancing the adaptive capacity and resilience of health and agricultural systems. We will explore these areas while considering the context-specific needs and priorities of rural communities, putting farmers’ health and wellbeing at the heart of this dialogue.
Date: 6 October 2023, 15:30 (Friday, 0th week, Michaelmas 2023)
Venue: Saïd Business School, Park End Street OX1 1HP
Speakers: Dr. Shobhana Nagraj (NDM Centre for Global Health Research), Dr. Kate Lamont (Centre for Epidemiology and Planetary Health), Her Excellency Toyin Ojora Saraki (The Wellbeing Foundation Africa), Duncan Williamson (Forum for the Future)
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Part of: OpenAg Symposium: Food Futures in a Changing Climate
Booking required?: Required
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Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Ainhoa Santos Goicoechea