Using large genomic datasets of predicted loss-of-function variants to investigate molecular rescue mechanisms

For our next talk, in the BDI/CHG (gen)omics Seminar series, we will be hearing from Caroline Wright, Professor of Genomic Medicine, University of Exeter. We’re delighted to host Caroline in what promises to be a great talk!

Date: Tuesday 18 March
Time: 12:00 – 13:00
Talk title: Using large genomic datasets of predicted loss-of-function variants to investigate molecular rescue mechanisms
Location: RDB Lecture Theatre

Caroline Wright is Professor of Genomic Medicine at the University of Exeter, where she has worked since 2017. Her main research expertise is in the use of genome-wide sequencing technologies for the diagnosis of rare diseases. Caroline co-leads Rare Variants and Genomics of Rare Disease research teams, is the Departmental and NIHR Exeter BRC co-lead for Genetics & Genomics, and is also Academic Director for the Rare and Inherited Disease NHS Genomic Network of Excellence. She previously worked at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in Cambridge, where she remains part of the management committee for the UK Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study and translational lead for DECIPHER. Prior to that, she was Head of Science at the PHG Foundation in Cambridge.

Research Interests: * Improving diagnostic variant filtering pipelines for rare disease, particularly for severe developmental disorders in children * Understanding penetrance and modifiers of rare disease-causing genetic variants in population settings * Analysing the effect of rare genetic variants on protein isoforms, structure, stability and function * Assessing and advising on the scientific, ethical and policy implications of using new genetic technologies in screening * Collaborative and interdisciplinary translational research in human genetics

Interpreting rare genetic variation one of the biggest challenges in genomic medicine. Although many variants are annotated as predicted loss-of-function (pLoF), there are numerous molecular mechanisms by which such variants may be rescued. We previously investigated clustering of pLoF variants in population and disease cohorts using an unbiased Gaussian mixture model. This analysis showed that differences between the distributions are largely consistent with nonsense mediated decay rules and can explain many instances of apparent incomplete penetrance. We are now investigating start codon variation in detail, which is a particularly challenging class of pLoF variation to interpret because of the possibility of downstream translation initiation resulting in a truncated but functioning protein. We have assembled start-loss variants from >850,000 individuals across three population cohorts, as well as a dataset of N-truncated isoforms from ribosome profiling, and used a random forest classifier to evaluate sequence features that are predictive of translation from downstream initiation sites. Start-loss variants are more likely to be tolerated in genes where there is an alternative in-frame downstream initiation site near the beginning of the coding sequence, which is before an out-of-frame initiation site and before the first structured protein domain. Evolutionary selection of these features has likely influenced sequence conservation and protein structure. Using examples of both benign and pathogenic variants, we show that the model can predict which genes are more likely to tolerate start codon variation, which is essential for clinical variant interpretation and understanding disease mechanisms.


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As a reminder, the (gen)omics seminar series runs every other Tuesday morning and is intended to increase interaction between individuals working in genomics across Oxford. We encourage in-person attendance where possible. There is time for discussion over, tea, coffee and pastries after the talks.

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