Everyday life, food systems and disruption [WEBINAR]
Weblink instructions: The link MUST be opened using Google Chrome, other browsers will not currently work Open the following: https://video.reading.ac.uk Type in: edinburgh@video.reading.ac.uk in "Person or Conference to Call" Type your name and your institution in "Your Name" Connect as a GUEST Use settings to configure your camera, microphone and audio. The session will start once Reading University connects. We will begin at 1pm sharp. As per the last two webinars, each of the two presentations will be about 15 minutes, followed by half an hour of discussion - questions can be submitted live by participants on the link forum.
This webinar will introduce the research field of everyday studies, and explain and illustrate its significance for understanding food systems. It will focus in particular on the phenomenon of disruptions to day-to-day social practice, rhythms and routines, and how people anticipate and prepare for these, in relation to accessing and consuming food. The first half of the webinar will introduce a number of key concepts and ideas associated with the study of everyday life. Then, in the second half, these ideas will be illustrated via a recent, ethnographic case study from Islamabad. It will discuss the ideas of anticipatory logic and everyday foresight, and shows how city residents anticipate, cope with and respond to ongoing disruptions to their food environments.
Date: 12 June 2018, 13:00
Venue: https://video.reading.ac.uk
Speakers: Dr Saher Hasnain (University of Oxford), Dr Alex Arnall (University of Reading)
Organising department: School of Geography and the Environment
Organiser: Dr Rebecca White (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: rebecca.white@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Rebecca White