Energy Seminar - week 2: Positive low energy futures - Energy demand reduction options for meeting national zero-emission targets in the United Kingdom

John Barrett will speak in person at the ECI, Atmosphere Room, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, South Parks Road, Oxford. This talk will be streamed through TEAMS and recorded. See to access the TEAMS streaming link. The recording will be available within 5 working days after each seminar on, PAST EVENTS

In recent years, global studies have attempted to understand the contribution that energy demand reduction could make to climate mitigation efforts. I will present the bottom-up, whole-system framework that we developed for the UK to estimate the potential for energy demand reduction at a country level. Replicable for other countries, our framework demonstrates that the UK can reduce energy demand of 52% by 2050 compared with 2020 levels are possible without compromising on citizens’ quality of life.