Book Launch | Dr Gibson Ncube @AfOx fellow
Book launch | @AfOx fellow Dr Gibson Ncube

Ncube, G. (2022). Queer Bodies in African Films. Makhanda (South Africa): NISC

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 12pm – 1pm

Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

Colin Matthew Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building

Free but booking is essential

Speaker: Gibson Ncube, @AfOx visiting fellow

Moderators: Dorothee Boulanger (University of Oxford), Kezia Mbonye (University of Oxford)

Ncube, G. (2022). Queer Bodies in African Films. Makhanda (South Africa): NISC.

Queer Bodies in African Films makes two overarching interventions. First, the book focuses on how queer bodies in films are texts. As sites invested with multiple and often overlapping discourses and narratives, queer bodies in films textualise silenced narratives and histories. They are inscribed with more than just desire, eroticism and sexuality. Second, this book sets out to read selected queer films from North Africa against and together with some from sub-Saharan Africa. It brings into productive conversation these broad regions of the continent, which in African Studies, are often demarcated along linguistic and geographic lines. This makes it possible to demonstrate how queer bodies, in their multiplicity, are disruptive figures whose materiality calls for a rethinking of how gender and sexual identities are not just performed and staged but also constructed and embodied.

In examining diverse films in various languages and from different parts of the African continent, Queer Bodies in Africa Films shows that queer African experiences and cultural productions have developed beyond the hegemony of South Africa. Furthermore. its nuanced reading of films from different geographic zones and time frames contends that a focus on the body allows for a unique understanding of what queerness is and means within the context of Africa.
Date: 29 May 2024, 12:00 (Wednesday, 6th week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Speaker: Dr Gibson Ncube
Organising department: Humanities Division
Part of: Feminist Thinking Seminar Series 2024
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Maisy Bentley