Breast cancer risk stratification: how good can it get?
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Professor Montserrat García-Closas is a Professor of Epidemiology and Team Leader for the Integrative Epidemiology Team. She co-leads the Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Unit, a joint initiative from the ICR and Imperial College London. Professor Montserrat García-Closas received her M.D. from the University of Barcelona, Spain, a Master of Public Health in quantitative methods, and a Doctorate of Public Health in epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. She investigates the causes of cancer with the aim of understanding carcinogenic processes and improving risk assessment for precision prevention. She carries out a multidisciplinary research program on the genetic susceptibility, etiologic heterogeneity, and risk prediction for breast cancer. She is principal investigator (PI) of the Breast Cancer Now Generations Study, a prospective cohort study of 110,000 women in the UK to study cancer aetiology and its outcomes, and the Male Breast Cancer Study, a case-control study of over 1,000 men with breast cancer and 1,000 controls to study the genetic and environmental causes of male breast cancer.
Date: 13 November 2023, 11:00 (Monday, 6th week, Michaelmas 2023)
Venue: Microsoft Teams only
Speaker: Prof Montserrat García-Closas (Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Unit, the ICR and Imperial College London)
Organising department: Department of Oncology
Organiser: Annabelle Ziegler
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Yuliia Karpenko