Centralisation of power in Turkey: Is it sustainable?
In association with SEESOX
This panel discussion will address the situation in Turkey after the presidential elections of 24 June 2018 from a constitutional, foreign policy and political economy perspectives.

Mehmet Karli will analyse the new order, as a rupture in the tradition and development of Ottoman-Turkish constitutionalism and by pointing to the disappearance of most of the essential checks and balances which are fundamental to the democratic functioning of a presidential system. Ezgi Basaran will examine the structural inconsistencies and the new constants in Turkish foreign policy by looking at three cases: the arrest and eventual release of US pastor Brunson; the difficulties in EU/Turkey relations; and the Turkey/Russia relationship, especially within the context of the Syria crisis. Charles Enoch will address the economic effects of the recent changes, in particular, the increasing centralisation of authority over economic institutions which, as in most other liberal democratic contexts, should be independent or autonomous.
Date: 12 November 2018, 17:00 (Monday, 6th week, Michaelmas 2018)
Venue: St Antony's College - North Site
Venue Details: Seminar Room, European Studies Centre, 70 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 6HR
Speakers: Ezgi Başaran (St Antony's College, Oxford), Charles Enoch (St Antony's College, Oxford), Mehmet Karli (Centre for International Studies, Oxford)
Organising department: European Studies Centre
Organiser: Julie Adams (St Antony's College, University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: julie.adams@sant.ox.ac.uk
Host: Othon Anastasakis (St Antony's College, University of Oxford)
Part of: Political Economy of Financial Markets (PEFM)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Julie Adams