Burma: When Women lead the Way to Peace, Freedom and Democracy

After fifty years of isolation under the rule of an oppressive military regime, Myanmar is finally opening up in a wave of euphoria. Despite the recent landslide victory of the National League for Democracy in the country’s first free election, the situation remains explosive.
Fighting between the Burmese military and armed ethnic groups continues, hate speech is spreading on social networks and unbearable human tragedies are tearing the country apart Inspired by Aung San Suu Kyi, a number of women activists from different walks of life have united to profoundly transform their society and to build sustainable peace as the country takes its first steps on an arduous and fragile path to democracy. A number of men support them on their long march to freedom.
During several long immersive stays from Rangoon to Central Burma, from East to West and South to North, Sylvie Brieu set out to gain some insights into the reality of Myanmar today through the incisive visions and the positive actions of these change-makers whose voices are underrepresented in the international media landscape.
Who are they? What are their challenges, their fears, their hopes? How can their compelling stories be shared?
Her talk will also address the ethical dilemmas of journalists working in Myanmar today.