New Generational Perspectives on German Reunification Thirty Years Later
This seminar will offer fresh interpretations of the concerns and consequences of German Reunification by a new generation of young historians, whose research revisits some of the forgotten and troubling aspects of those dramatic events thirty years ago.

Speakers: Lauren Crawford (Yale), Kate Stanton (Oxford), Marcus Colla (Christ Church College, Oxford)

Chair: Professor Paul Betts (St Antony’s College, Oxford)

Respondent: Professor Timothy Garton Ash (St Antony’s College, Oxford)

For further information:
Date: 10 November 2020, 17:00 (Tuesday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Online Webinar
Speakers: Marcus Colla (Christ Church), Lauren Crawford (Yale), Kate Stanton (Oxford), Paul Betts (St Antony's College, University of Oxford), Timothy Garton Ash (St Antony's College)
Organising department: European Studies Centre
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Jessica Dancy