What is Oxford Uni doing on the Climate and Biodiversity Crisis?
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The University of Oxford’s new environmental sustainability strategy is aiming for net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035. Is that too ambitious or not ambitious enough?
Join Oxford SU as we bring together students, academics and staff to discuss the strategy and its key aims to ask: are we doing enough?
On the panel:
Ben Farmer, VP Charities and Community at Oxford SU
Dr David Prout, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for planning and resources, University of Oxford.
Ellie Holton, Action Director, Oxford Climate Society
Professor EJ Milner-Gulland, Tasso Leventis Professor of Biodiversity; Director, Interdisciplinary Centre for Conservation Science.
Harriet Waters, Head of Environmental Sustainability, University of Oxford
We’ll hear how planting more trees, cutting down on flights and changing what food the University serves could form part of the strategy and we’ll also ask what the role is for Oxford University to shape the wider narrative around climate justice and sustainability policy.
This event is part of Oxford SU’s Planet Pledge, for the whole of November we’re encouraging students to do one thing differently to help tackle the climate crisis, whilst also highlighting what actions the University and its colleges can take. For info: www.oxfordsu.org/planetpledge
26 November 2020, 17:00
On teams
Dr David Prout (University of Oxford),
Harriet Waters (Head of Environmental Sustainability, University of Oxford),
Professor EJ Milner-Gulland (University of Oxford),
Ellie Holton (Oxford Climate Society),
Ben Farmer (Oxford SU)
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Members of the University only
Benedict Farmer