WEH/Ethox Seminar: Islam and Biomedical Research Ethics
Zoom registration: medsci.zoom.us/j/99486874853?pwd=eExxMDZWZEtqalBtMnRWWTVWb1Y2Zz09
What is the moral universe of Muslim researchers? Through empirical research conducted in Malaysia and Iran, Dr Suleman will present on key understudied areas in research ethics including: the role of faith in moral deliberations within biomedical research ethics, the moral anxiety and frustration experienced by researchers when having to negotiate multiple moral sources and how the marginalisation of women, the prejudice and abuse faced by groups such as sex workers and those from the LGBT community are encountered and negotiated in Muslim contexts.
Biomedical Law and Ethics Library: www.routledge.com/Biomedical-Law-and-Ethics-Library/book-series/CAV5
2 December 2020, 14:30 (Wednesday, 8th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue to be announced
Mehrunisha Suleman (University of Oxford)
Christa Henrichs (Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities)
Part of:
Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities and Ethox Centre
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Hannah Freeman