A Peruvian History of the Old World: José Carlos Mariátegui and Europe

Paulo Drinot is Professor of Latin American History at University College London. He is the author of The Allure of Labor: Workers, Race and the Making of the Peruvian State (2011); The Sexual Question: A History of Prostitution in Peru, 1850–1956 (2020); José Carlos Mariátegui o el “cojito genial”: historia y discapacidad en el Perú (2023); and Los años de Leguía (1919-1930); and editor or co-editor of several volumes, including Che’s Travels: The Making of a Revolutionary in 1950s Latin America (2010), Peru in Theory (2014), The Great Depression in Latin America (2014), The Peculiar Revolution: Rethinking the Peruvian Experiment under Military Rule (2017); and La condena de la libertad: de Túpac Amaru II al Bicentenario en seis ensayos y un colofón (2022). He is currently working on a biography of José Carlos Mariátegui, Latin America’s most important Marxist intellectual.

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