25th Anniversary of the Sociology Department - Conference & Dinner
The Department of Sociology is turning 25! We are excited to celebrate our anniversary with a one-day conference and dinner held on 15th March 2024 at St Antony’s College.
Commemorating a quarter-century of academic excellence, outstanding teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration, we invite you to join us for a day of talks and seminars, featuring perspectives from some of our current staff, students, and alumni.

The day will finish with a formal dinner, providing a great chance to connect with colleagues, peers, and fellow alumni, and fostering a sense of community that has been integral to our Department’s journey.

Attendance to the conference is free, with the dinner afterwards costing £30. This price will be subsidised for current Sociology students and staff. Please see below for pricing options.

We extend a warm welcome to everyone—faculty, students, alumni, and friends of the Department – to join us as we celebrate our birthday and look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.
Date: 15 March 2024, 9:00 (Friday, 9th week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: St Antony's College, 62 Woodstock Road OX2 6JF
Speakers: Anthony Heath (University of Oxford), Vikki Boliver (Durham University), Robert Ford (University of Manchester)
Organising department: Department of Sociology
Organiser contact email address: comms@sociology.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.oxforduniversitystores.co.uk/conferences-and-events/sociology/sociology-department
Audience: Public
Editor: Laurel Quinn