OSSG: War, Strategy, and History: The Life and Work of Robert O'Neill

Please join us for a special event celebrating The Life and Work of Professor Robert O’Neill. Professor O’Neill was Chichele Professor of the History of War and Fellow of All Souls College 1987-2001, and was also deeply involved in the Oxford Strategic Studies Group. The OSSG and Professor Carter Malkasian (of the Naval Postgraduate School) will be hosting a day-long event with some of the world’s leading scholars and policymakers. A full schedule can be found below.

0900: Sally O’Neill, opening word on Professor O’Neill
0915: Francois Heisourg (IISS): Introduction to the conference
0920–1035: Panel on History and War
Cathleen Sarti (Oxford) – moderator
Hew Strachan (St Andrews) – Liddell Hart and Robert O’Neill
Peter Wilson (Oxford) – Current History of War
Dan Marston (Johns Hopkins) – History of War for the Military Practitioner
Yasmin Khan (Oxford) – presentation title TBD
1035–1100: Coffee break
1100-1215: Panel on Security in Asia.
Rosemary Foot (Oxford) – moderator
Nicola Leveringhaus (King’s College London) – Nuclear Deterrence in East Asia
John Nilsson-Wright (University of Cambridge) – Security in North East Asia
Carter Malkasian (Naval Postgraduate School) – Robert O’Neill and writing on Asia
1230-1345 – Lunch and Keynote, Lawrence Freedman
1400–1515 Panel on Connecting to Policy
John Chipman, Director IISS – moderator
Mats Berdal (King’s College London) – Academy, Policy, and Western-led Interventions
Adam Roberts (Oxford) – presentation title TBD
Rose Gottemoelller (Stanford) – presentation title TBD
John Nagl (Army War College) – presentation title TBD