Kellogg Colloquium: Contemporary China

In this Colloquium, we will hear talks on leading research on contemporary china from Pu Yan, a DPhil student in the Oxford Internet Institute, and Dr Jenny Chan, one of our newest Kellogg JRFs.

The talks will begin at 17:30 in the Stopforth-Metcalfe Room (upstairs in no. 60 Banbury Rd.), and will be followed by audience questions and discussion. The Colloquium will finish about 18:15, after which College members are welcome to join the speakers for Informal Dinner to continue conversations.

Pu Yan is a doctoral researcher in the Oxford Internet Institute, and is interested in how information and communication technologies have changed Chinese interpersonal relationships (guanxi) and transformed the everyday information practices in China. She will give a talk on how Chinese guanxi culture varies between mainland China and other Chinese communities such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

Jenny Chan is working on a joint research project about the emergence of student labor in state capitalist China. She is writing her first book provisionally entitled ‘Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and a New Generation of Chinese Workers’. Jenny will give a talk on ‘The Politics of Labor in Contemporary China’, covering her current research and fieldwork experience as a Hong Kong person in mainland China.

All members of Kellogg College and their guests are welcome.