Invisible peace: divine authority, and the remaking of peace and war in South Sudan
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Status: This talk has been cancelled
This seminar has been postponed due to illness. Apologies! We will relist with a new date.
In June 2018 an elite deal was signed by the main warring parties in South Sudan. Fighting has since reduced. However, this deal remains contingent on the precarious political and economic fortunes of a few politicians. In this context, contestations continue over the power to make war and peace. This seminar will explore the remaking of conceptions and habits of peace and conflict by divine authorities, as well as the role of peace in the making of divine authority itself. The seminar will focus on the example of South Sudan and include discussion of the 2018 peace deal as well as ongoing peace making in the politically strategic region of Gogrial. As an example, the seminar will explore the histories of Dinka bäny bith (masters of the fishing spear) and their shifting authority through ruptures in peace making.
Date: 6 February 2019, 17:00 (Wednesday, 4th week, Hilary 2019)
Venue: 13 Bevington Road, 13 Bevington Road OX2 6NB
Venue Details: African Studies Centre Seminar Room
Speaker: Dr Naomi Pendle (LSE)
Organising department: Centre for African Studies
Organisers: Jason Mosley (University of Oxford), Zoe Cormack (University of Oxford)
Part of: Northeast Africa Forum seminar series
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Jason Mosley