BioEngenuity Keynotes

Join The Institute of Biomedical Engineering for the second BioEngenuity Keynote followed by a networking lunch and interactive poster session.

11:00-11:30 Prof. Maarten De Vos, IBME

“Mind-reading” out of the lab: where are the limits?

11:30-12:00 Prof. Robin Cleveland, IBME

“Shocking heads: how sound can damage and heal the brain”

12:00-13:00 Kristoffer Famm, PhD, President, Galvani Bioelectronics

“Bioelectronic medicine co-created – why precision neuromodulation holds the promise to revolutionise treatment of chronic disease, and where we stand in bringing that promise to patients”

Abstract: Electrical and molecular signalling constitute main axes of control in biology. Peripheral nerves conduct electrical impulses to and from organs, regulating a wide range of physiological processes, from muscle contraction to hormone secretion and biochemical reactions.

These same processes gone awry are at the centre of many chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and asthma. Bioelectronic medicine is a new field that aims to treat disease with miniaturised, implantable devices that, with precision, modulate such electrical impulses. Bioelectronics has the potential to be a major treatment modality alongside small and large molecules as chronic diseases increase their impact around the world.

Galvani Bioelectronics was formed at end of 2016 by combining the efforts of GlaxoSmithKline and Verily (formerly Google Life Sciences), creating a powerful R&D engine to bring this vision to reality. This lecture by the company’s president will outline the therapeutic potential currently being unfolded by a global network of academic and industry research partners, describe how biology needs and technology solutions are coming together into a new generation of implantable devices, and discuss the research challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.