Davies & Knight Lunchtime Lab Talks
Davies Group
Speaker 1: Dr Amine Bouchareb
Title: Destabilizing Cas9 to address CRISPR mosaicism
Speaker 2: Dr Samy Alghadban
Title: Engineering the genome without cutting: base editing and prime editing

Knight Group
Speaker 1: Dr Gabriele Migliorini
Title: Enumerating Multi-way Chromosome Conformation Interactions at Immuno-specific GWAS loci
Speaker 2: Dr Ping Zhang
Title: Innate immune activity reprograms the epigenome and transcriptome in human iPSC-derived macrophages
Date: 22 January 2020, 12:30
Venue: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, Headington OX3 7BN
Venue Details: Rooms A&B
Speakers: Dr Gabriele Migliorini (University of Oxford), Dr Ping Zhang (University of Oxford), Dr Samy AlGhadban (University of Oxford), Dr Amine Bouchareb (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
Organiser: Isabel Schmidt (University of Oxford, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics)
Part of: CHG Lunchtime Lab Talks
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Isabel Schmidt