Mink eradication at a landscape-scale: Tales from the Thame Riverbank

Talk content
We’ll set out the background and rationale for the project; the impetus gained from the successes in East Anglia; behind the scenes stories of apps, failing technology, flooded rafts, stinky baits, and hardy volunteers; the progress to date on the River Thame and what the future might hold.

Speaker bios
Hilary Phillips: Senior Project Officer with the River Thame Conservation Trust (RTCT) – the local Rivers’ Trust covering south Oxfordshire, a swathe of Aylesbury Vale and a small area of Hertfordshire around Tring. Hilary leads on biodiversity and agriculture matters for the Trust, is a member of the Mammal Society and committee member of North Bucks Bat Group. She holds a master’s degree in Ecology and Management of the Natural Environment and is a full member of CIEEM. Hilary set up the project before handing it over to her colleague Grace.

Grace Cooper: Project Officer for RTCT, leads on GIS, Water Vole project, e-fishing, biodiversity planning including UKHabs and BNG. Grace plays a pivotal role in the meticulous planning and execution of habitat and water quality enhancement projects throughout the River Thame. She holds a master’s degree in Global Biodiversity Conservation and a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science.