Analía Gerbaudo teaches literary theory at the National University of the Litoral (UNL), Argentina as well as being a member of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET). She is the chief editor of the online literary journal El Taco en la Brea. She directs the publishing house Vera cartonera (CONICET-UNL). Her most recent book is Políticas de exhumación. Las clases de los críticos en la universidad argentina de la posdictadura (1984-1986) (UNL-UNGS, 2016). In Michaelmas Term 2019, Dr Gerbaudo is in Oxford as a TORCH Global South Visiting Fellow. Her academic hosts are Dr Stefano Maria Evangelista (English), Prof Ben Bollig (MML) and Prof Laura Marcus (English). During her stay, Dr Gerbaudo will engage with Oxford academics and students in a number of workshops and seminars on the topics of literary theory, comparative literature and literary activity in Argentina.