John Greaves's Marginalia Workshop
Please join us virtually on Friday 4 June 2021, for the first workshop of the project: Arabic Books and Astronomy in Seventeenth Century Oxford. This project is a short-term pilot survey sponsored by St John’s College, University of Oxford, to analyse the Arabic and Persian MSS on astronomical topics held in two Oxford libraries, St John’s College, and the Bodleian. Its focus is notes written on the MSS by the seventeenth-century Oxford scholars who used them, in this case multilingual marginalia and interlinear notes by John Greaves, which we will annotate and digitize.
Date: 4 June 2021, 17:00 (Friday, 6th week, Trinity 2021)
Venue: Online with Zoom
Speakers: Dr Julia Bray (St John's College, Oxford)), Dr Ben Cartlidge (Christ Church, Oxford), Dr Taha Yasin Arslan (Istanbul Medeniyet University & St John's College, Oxford), Fyza Parviz (Stanford University)
Organising department: St John's College
Organisers: Taha Yasin Arslan, Julia Bray
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editor: Belinda Clark