‘Recent experiences of epidemic and emerging infections in the UK’

This talk is for PSI staff and students. Members of the University who are not at the PSI are welcome to join, but please contact us beforehand to let us know (events.psi@ndm.ox.ac.uk).

Join us for the PSI special guest seminar on Tuesday, 11 February from 14:30 to 15:30 at the seminar rooms 0&1, Big Data Institute (BDI). We are delighted to welcome Dr. Richard Pebody, Director of Epidemic and Emerging Infections to speak on ‘Recent experiences of epidemic and emerging infections in the UK.’ With a varied career in public health, Dr Pebody has had long interest in influenza and emerging respiratory virus surveillance and applied research leading efforts to understand and combat these acute respiratory infections. His work has contributed significantly to shaping effective vaccination strategies for influenza, but also strengthening preparedness for other emerging threats.

In this talk, Dr Pebody will provide an in-depth look at some of the diverse surveillance and applied research initiatives within his directorate for a range of epidemic and emerging infectious disease threats. He will share the UKHSA’s approach to preparedness and response for threats such as avian influenza, mpox and AMR detailing how surveillance, research, and policy are integrated to mitigate these evolving issues, with perspectives on the intersection of science and public health action.

Dr Richard Pebody is a public health epidemiologist and currently Director of Emerging and Emerging Infections at the UK Health Security Agency. He was previously the High Threat Pathogen lead at the WHO Regional Office for Europe from 2019-23, where he was responsible for leading work on epidemic and pandemic high threat infections such as influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and monkeypox. Prior to this role, Dr Pebody was head of the influenza team at the National Surveillance Centre in the UK from 2008-2019. He qualified in clinical medicine at Liverpool University; working as a hospital clinician in the UK and northern Australia with a focus on infectious diseases, before completing the EPIET programme in Finland.