Africa- Oxford Nature Networking Event
If you work on any aspect of Nature Recovery or Biodiversity Conservation in Africa, come along, meet others working in this sector, find out about their research and forge new collaborations.
Date: 30 April 2024, 16:30 (Tuesday, 2nd week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Biology Mansfield Road, 11a Mansfield Road OX1 3SZ
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organising department: Environmental Change Institute
Organisers: Jane Applegarth (University of Oxford, Oxford University Centre for the Environment), Carlyn Samuel (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Carlyn Samuel (University of Oxford), Professor Yadvinder Malhi (University of Oxford)
Part of: Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery and the Biodiversity Network seminar series
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Carlyn Samuel