The Algerian War of Independence

9am – 9.20am Registration and coffee

9.20am Opening remarks Eugene Rogan (Director of the MEC, St Antony’s)

9.30am – 11am Panel 1 Un-framing/Re-framing the Algerian War of Independence and its aftermaths, in Algeria and in France
Chair: James McDougall (Trinity, Oxford)

Andrea Brazzoduro (Trinity, Oxford)
Is a global microhistory approach of any use in Algerian War studies?
Malika Rahal (CNRS-IHTP, Paris)
Writing about 1962. Questions of time, continuity and revolution
Natalya Vince (Portsmouth & Algiers 2)
When was the post-war, when was the post-colonial? The case of the University of Algiers, 1963

11am – 11.30am Coffee

11.30am – 1pm Panel 2 Microhistories I: Actors Chair: Hannah Louise-Clark (Trinity, Oxford)

Khaled Chérif-Sabeur (Algiers 2)
Les tirailleurs sénégalais à travers quelques extraits inédits de poèmes populaires kabyles
Neil MacMaster (UEA)
From ethnology to counter-insurgency: Jean Servier’s Dans l’Aurès sur les pas des rebelles (1955)
Sylvie Thénault (CNRS-CHS, Paris 1)
The Froger case, Algiers 1957: Towards a study of Algeria’s colonial society at war

1pm – 2pm Lunch

2pm – 3.30pm Panel 3 Bodies at war: violences and representations
Chair: Natalya Vince (Portsmouth & Algiers 2)

Khedidja Adel (CRASC, Constantine)
Femmes dans la guerre d’Algérie: enfermement et corps en souffrances
Todd Shepard (Johns Hopkins)
Who had ‘les couilles’? Far right histories of the loss of French Algeria, 1962-1970
Anissa Daoudi (Birmingham)
Women’s narratives of violence in Algeria: history, fiction and memory

3.30pm – 4pm Tea

4pm – 6pm Panel 4 Microhistories II: Spaces
Chair: Andrea Brazzoduro (Trinity, Oxford)

Ouarda Siari Tengour (CRASC, Constantine)
L’histoire silencieuse de Bir Chouhada, Puits des martyrs
Marc André (UCLA)
Les Algériens à ‘Fort Montluc’. Militariser la répression en France durant la guerre d’indépendance algérienne
Claire Mauss-Copeaux (Lyon)
À la ferme Ameziane et au-delà: Hadjira
Paul Marquis (Sciences Po, Paris)
Du ‘camp d’hébergement’ à l’hôpital psychiatrique: histoire(s) d’un double internement (1957-1962)

6pm – 6.30pm Investcorp Foyer, Middle East Centre, St Antony’s

Book launch followed by a reception
James McDougall A History of Algeria (Cambridge University Press, 2017)

8.30pm Dining Hall, Trinity College – Dinner for invited participants