Through a mix of individual and informal small group exercises, participants will be introduced to the principles of, and tips on, effective job-searching. They will increase their understanding and recognition of the characteristics of effective CVs and cover letters, and will developing the capacity to critique the strengths and weaknesses of their own and colleagues’ draft CVs and cover letters.
Workshop objectives: * Gain a clearer understanding of the recruitment process in sectors beyond academia and the implications for applications * Develop confidence and effectiveness in tailoring a CV and Cover Letter for specific jobs * Practice giving and receiving constructive feedback from peers and the workshop facilitator
Please note that this session will not cover academic job applications, which will be the focus of a workshop on 26th November (see below for details).
To get the most out of this workshop, please bring along a draft 1-2 page CV and/or cover letter, plus any job descriptions that interest you, whether in general terms or for a potential application. We are unable to print documents for participants; if you wish to work on a paper copy of your CV/cover letter please print before arriving at the Careers Service.
All DPhil students and research staff welcome. To reserve a place please go to CareerConnect.
Please note: This is the only such session to be run during Michaelmas term. The plan is to run it again during Hilary term in the Headington area, and in Trinity term at the Careers Service, Banbury Road.