Women’s Literary Culture Before The Conquest
This term, the seminar meets each Wednesday at 4.30 p.m. online via the Oxford Medieval Studies TEAMS. The Medieval English Research Seminar is a channel of the OMS TEAM.

Please join the OMS TEAM by clicking ‘TEAMS’ > ‘Join/create a team’ > ‘Search teams’ > ‘Oxford Medieval Studies’. If you have any difficulties, contact vincent.gillespie@ell.ox.ac.uk to be added to the channel for the Medieval English Research Seminar.

Week 1, 14th October: Diane Watt (Surrey), ‘Women’s Literary Culture Before The Conquest’. Chaired by Annie Sutherland.
Date: 14 October 2020, 16:30 (Wednesday, 1st week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Online: MS Teams
Speaker: Diane Watt (Professor of Medieval Literature, University of Surrey)
Organising department: Faculty of English Language and Literature
Organiser: Vincent Gillespie FBA (Lady Margaret Hall)
Organiser contact email address: vincent.gillespie@ell.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Medieval English Research Seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Sadie Slater