The human dimension of biodiversity changes on islands
Zoom details below: Meeting ID: 804 848 9188 Passcode: 463170
In this seminar I will talk about the latest findings from collavorative projects on the impact of humans on island’s biodiversity. The findings suggest that the rate of change on plant biodiverity increases significantly during the years following human settlement, with the most dramatic changes occurring in islands settled in the last 1500 years. We also will discuss how our results may help to inform targeted restoration efforts and provide greater understanding into plant biodiverisity change.
Date: 18 October 2021, 13:00 (Monday, 2nd week, Michaelmas 2021)
Venue: Biology Mansfield Road, 11a Mansfield Road OX1 3SZ
Venue Details: In person and online
Speaker: Sandra Nogue Bosch (University of Southampton)
Host: Peter Holland (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Lesley Austyn