Levelling Up and the Role of HS2
The seminar session “Levelling Up and the Role of HS2” will explore and discuss: the role of railways in general and HSR specifically, in the ‘Levelling Up’ agenda; railways’ contribution to addressing social and regional inequalities and HS2’s relevant impacts; the future prospects of HS2; benefits that will be brought to Birmingham and other cities connected by the HS2 network; implications for Leeds and the North considering the latest governmental plans to cancel the HS2 Link to Leeds; potential alternatives for the North; and finally, a reflection on risks imposed by Covid-19 on railway travelling patterns, rail industry, and future projects.
Date: 3 March 2022, 12:30 (Thursday, 7th week, Hilary 2022)
Venue: Online
Speakers: Professor Clive Roberts (University of Birmingham), Richard Walker (University of Leeds)
Organiser: Transport Studies Unit (TSU) (Transport Studies Unit (TSU))
Organiser contact email address: kirsty.ray@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Host: Transport Studies Unit (TSU) (Transport Studies Unit (TSU))
Part of: Transport Studies Unit (TSU) 2022
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tsu-public-seminar-series-2022-levelling-up-and-the-role-of-hs2-tickets-242971633697
Audience: Public
Editor: Kirsty Ray