Funding your post-doctoral research: clinical academic opportunities ***Registration closes Sunday, 11th March***
Event for Clinical DPhil Students. Note that actual event date is Monday, 19th March.
Oxford clinical DPhil students are invited to find out about clinical academic careers in ‘Funding your post-doctoral research: clinical academic opportunities’.

This event is being organised by OUCAGS and will comprise:

- presentations by NIHR and Wellcome Trust speakers about their funding schemes for post-doctoral clinical academics

- careers surgeries and

- a networking lunch.

It will be a chance for delegates to find out about, and discuss with speakers and senior academics, concrete opportunities to develop their post-DPhil career and possible clinical academic career paths.
Date: 14 March 2018, 23:00 (Wednesday, 9th week, Hilary 2018)
Venue: John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1, Level 3, Main John Radcliffe Hospital
Speakers: Dr James Fenton (NIHR), Dr Clare McVicker (Wellcome Trust)
Organiser: Joana Lopes (OUCAGS)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Professor Chris Pugh (University of Oxford)
Part of: OUCAGS events
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: This event is primarily aimed at medically qualified DPhil students. It is also open to post-doctoral doctors and anyone interested in finding out about post-doctoral clinical academic opportunities.
Editors: Joana De Almeida Ferreira Lopes, Gemma Woodley