Samer Nashef - The Naked Surgeon
Samer Nashef is an adult cardiac surgeon at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, United Kingdom and author of ‘The Naked Surgeon’. His specialist clinical areas include minimally invasive coronary bypass and hybrid coronary revascularisation, mitral repair, surgery for atrial fibrillation and aortic root surgery with valve preservation. A major research interest includes the measurement and monitoring of the quality of surgical treatment. In that field, he has led national and international projects, including the EuroSCORE Project. In his discussion, Samer Nashef will address safety and transparency in medicine and how we can design safer health systems in the future.
Date: 25 January 2018, 17:30 (Thursday, 2nd week, Hilary 2018)
Venue: Rhodes House, South Parks Road OX1 3RG
Speaker: Mr Samer Nashef (Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Tinashe Chandauka (University of Oxford )
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Louise King