Florian Grebien did his PhD jointly supervised by Ernst Müllner of the Medical University Vienna and
Hartmut Beug of the Research Institute for Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna. For his post-doctoral
research he joined the team of Giulio Superti-Furga at the Research Center for Molecular Medicine
(CeMM), Vienna.
Since 2014 he leads an independent research team at the LBI-CR. The laboratory of Florian Grebien aims
to contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of leukemia development through
the development and use of novel tools for functional evaluation of oncogenic aberrations. Focus of his
research is acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a cancer of white blood cells, characterized by the rapid growth
of abnormal myeloid cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of
normal blood cells. Florian Grebien has more than 20 PubMed based publications with an overall impact
factor exceeding 220 and an h-index of 15. Since June 2015 Dr. Grebien’s research is funded by the
starting grant “ONCOMECHAML” from the European Research Council (ERC).