Find out more about Andrew Steele’s new book, Ageless: The new science of getting older without getting old. Ageless takes readers on a tour of ageing biology, from animals like tortoises and jellyfish that seem not to age, to dietary and genetic changes that can make everything from worms to mice (and maybe humans) live longer in good health, to drugs that can remove aged ‘senescent’ cells and defer a whole range of age-related changes. It makes the case the ageing is the world’s greatest humanitarian challenge and shows us that there’s ample evidence that ageing isn’t inevitable—and that treatments could be coming to a clinic near you sooner than many people think.
The scientific implications of ageing biology could lead to the greatest revolution in the history of medicine—one that has the potential to improve billions of lives, save trillions of dollars, and transform the human condition. Find out what Andrew thinks is needed to get us there, including research, funding, policy and, most importantly, spreading the word about ageing biology.