'How different from us?' Miss Beale’s Life, Legacy and Library
Join us in the virtual St Hilda’s College Library.

Though Dorothea Beale founded St Hilda’s College in 1893, it is well known that the real apple of her eye was Cheltenham Ladies’ College, where she had been Principal and to whom she left almost all of her worldly goods upon her death in 1907. How, then, did so many rare and exciting books from Miss Beale’s own collections end up in St Hilda’s College Library? What do these volumes reveal about the person behind the portrait, the character behind the collection, and about her aims and ideals for her Oxford College and its Library?

Join College Librarian, Dr Jill Dye, in conversation with Library Fellow Prof Daniel Wakelin, for a tour through some of these revealing treasures.
Date: 12 March 2021, 18:00 (Friday, 8th week, Hilary 2021)
Venue: St Hilda's College, Cowley Place OX4 1DY
Venue Details: Virtual event
Speakers: Dr Jill Dye (St Hilda's College), Professor Daniel Wakelin (University of Oxford)
Organising department: St Hilda's College
Organiser: St Hilda's College
Organiser contact email address: triona.adams@st-hildas.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk/content/book-miss-beale-library-event
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Claire Harvey