Beyond 500: A Baptist-Anabaptist Conversation
2025 marks the 500th anniversary of the baptism of a group of believers in Zurich, soon dubbed ‘Anabaptists’ and persecuted for their convictions about discipleship, church and mission. Many British Baptists (and others) have been challenged and inspired by the Anabaptist vision during the past 40 years. This conference asks why and considers what this tradition might offer in various contexts in the 21st century.

The conference is sponsored by the Centre for Baptist Studies, the Baptist Historical Society and the Centre for Anabaptist Studies.
Date: 27 February 2025, 10:00 (Thursday, 6th week, Hilary 2025)
Venue: Regent's Park College, Pusey Street OX1 2LB
Venue Details: Collier Room
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organisers: Alan Kerry (Centre for Baptist Studies), Tim Middleton (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free, includes lunch
Audience: Public
Editor: Alan Kerry