Are we making progress on climate change?
After more than three decades of diplomacy there is firm evidence that the world is making progress in controlling emissions that cause global warming. It is still likely that warming will far exceed the widely discussed 2 degree goal, but a new “theory of change” is emerging and having an impact. This talk will show the evidence of progress, debate the new theory of change, and articulate ways that scientists can help governments and business do even better.
Date: 19 June 2023, 17:00
Venue: Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street OX1 2PH
Venue Details: Headley Lecture Theatre and online
Speaker: Professor David Victor (UC San Diego)
Organiser: Charlie Wilson & Polly Nuttgens (Environmental Change Institute), Tristram Walsh (Oxford Climate Research Network)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Chris White, Donna Palfreman