The Foreign Policy of a Potential Labour Government
Olivia O’Sullivan is Director of the UK in the World Programme at Chatham House. Before joining Chatham House, Olivia worked for over a decade in international development and foreign policy in the UK government, across roles in the Department for International Development, Cabinet Office and cross-government teams.

Ms. O’Sullivan was foreign policy lead and deputy head of the Open Innovation Team, a government research unit that translates academic evidence into policy. Her experience includes managing external expert engagement for the 2021 Integrated Review, working on the UK’s funding and policy response to the Rohingya refugee crisis, and overseeing a range of international development and humanitarian funding programmes.

There will be a wine reception prior to the talk starting at 8:00 pm.

We will also be hosting a dinner with the speaker prior to the event at 6.15pm at Quod, 92-94 High St. If you would like to ballot for a place, please email by Sunday evening. No subject background is required for the dinner and undergraduates are encouraged to ballot. Those selected will receive an email on Monday. Please note that attendees are required to pay for their own dinner.
Date: 30 January 2024, 20:30 (Tuesday, 3rd week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: All Souls College Library, High Street OX1 4AL
Venue Details: Main access to the Old Library is via a steep staircase. Arrangements can be made for those with limited mobility to use a stairlift and a Fellow’s room to gain access. Please let us know if you require this type of assistance. Capacity is limited so please arrive early.
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organiser: Oxford University Strategic Studies Group
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Not required
Cost: We kindly request non-members of OUSSG pay a £2 entrance fee. This can be done by cash or bank transfer.
Audience: Public
Editor: Julia Amann