French TV Documentary Projection: 'Brexit: les coulisses du divorce'
French TV documentary projection ‘Brexit: les coulisses du divorce’ (70 minutes) by Eric Albert, journalist for Le Monde and Thomas Johnson, produced by Galaxie with the participation of France Televisions.

The projection will be followed by a debate in English with the two journalists about the media coverage of Brexit, chaired by Dr. Alexandra Borchardt from the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in Oxford.
Date: 24 May 2019, 17:00 (Friday, 4th week, Trinity 2019)
Venue: Maison Française
Speakers: Eric Albert (Le Monde), Thomas Johnson
Host: Alexandra Borchardt (University of Oxford)
Part of: Brexit, Populism and Mainstream Politics
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Holly Omand