Name: Daniel Lee
University of Sheffield

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 30 June 2016 (10th Week, Trinity Term)

Jeune France, 1930-1959
Date: 30 June 2016, 18:00 - 13:00 (Thursday, 10th week, Trinity 2016)
Speaker s: Philippe Roussin (CNRS / Maison Francaise d’Oxford), Karine Le Bail (CNRS), François Vignale (Université du Maine), Linda Stratford (Asbury University), Michael Holland (St Hugh’s College, Oxford), Toby Garfitt (Magdalen College, Oxford), Sarah Wilson (The Courtauld Institute, London), Philip Nord (Princeton University), Evan Spritzer (New York University), Morgan Corriou (Bibliothèque nationale de France), Sarah Shortall (University College), Michael Kelly (University of Southampton), Leslie Sprout (Drew University), Daniel Lee (University of Sheffield), Martin Conway (Balliol), Mary McLeod (Columbia University), Judi Loach (Cardiff University), Véronique Chabrol
Venue Details: Maison Française d'Oxford
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA