Name: Professor David Eyre
University of Oxford

Events this person is hosting:

Tuesday 16 May 2023 (4th Week, Trinity Term)

AI tools for diagnostics in the clinical setting - pathway to successful implementation
Date: 16 May 2023, 11:50 - 14:30 (Tuesday, 4th week, Trinity 2023)
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: Big Data Institute, Old Road Campus OX3 7LF
Venue Details: Seminar Room 0
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: Professor David Eyre (University of Oxford), Dr. Antoniya Georgieva (University of Oxfor)

Events this person is organising:

Wednesday 20 March 2024 (10th Week, Hilary Term)

Designing an Algorithmically Enhanced NHS
Date: 20 March 2024, 10:30 - 12:00 (Wednesday, 10th week, Hilary 2024)
Speaker : Dr Jessica Morley (Yale Digital Ethics Center)
Venue: Big Data Institute, Old Road Campus OX3 7LF
Venue Details: Seminar Room 0
Organisers: Sumeeta Maheshwari (University of Oxford), Professor David Eyre (University of Oxford), Dr Antoniya Georgieva (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA