Name: Ben Caldecott
Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

Events this person is speaking at:

Monday 29 February 2016

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the post-Paris landscape
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Date: 29 February 2016, 17:00 - 18:30
Speaker s: Philippe Benoit (International Energy Agency), Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Venue Details: Beckit Room, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Organiser: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Hosts: TBA

Friday 11 March 2016

Diesel Deception – the Volkswagen emission scandal and its aermath
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Date: 11 March 2016, 16:00 - 18:00
Speaker s: Tim Schwanen (Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford), Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment), Professor Frances Bowen (University of London), David Powell (Environment New Economics Foundation), Dr Bettina Wittneben (Strategic Environmental Management)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Dr Bettina Wittneben (Strategic Environmental Management)
Hosts: TBA

Diesel Deception - the Volkswagen emission scandal and its aftermath (Panel Discussion)
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Date: 11 March 2016, 16:00 - 18:00
Speaker s: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment), Dr Bettina Wittneben (Strategic Environmental Management), Professor Frances Bowen (University of London), David Powell (Environment New Economics Foundation), Professor Tim Schwanen (Transport Studies Unit University of Oxford )
Venue Details: Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre, School of Geography and the Environment
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Monday 23 January 2017

COP22 Marrakech: when Trump won the election |Debrief seminar on the outcome of COP 22 and the US elections
Date: 23 January 2017, 13:00 - 15:00
Speaker s: Prof Myles Allen (School of Geography and the Environment), Professor Benito Mueller (International Climate Policy), Frank Sperling (Environmental Change Institute), Hazim Azghari (Environmental Change Institute), Dr Thomas Hale (Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford), Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment), Rebecca Byrnes (University of Oxford)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Herbertson Room, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University Centre for the Environment
Organiser: Professor Benito Mueller (International Climate Policy)
Hosts: TBA

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Oxford Sustainable Finance Executive Education Drink Reception
Date: 10 March 2020, 18:30 - 19:30
Speaker : Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Venue Details: Lee library
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Postponed to Michelmas Term 2020: Objectively assessing the (in)compatibility of power assets with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.
Date: 12 May 2020, 16:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Gottman Room, Oxford University Centre for the Environment
Organiser: Anne L Ryan (Oxford Energy Coordinator)
Hosts: Professor Nick Eyre (Environmental Change Institute), Dr Philipp Grunewald (University of Oxford, Oxford University Centre for the Environment)

Events this person is hosting:

Tuesday 24 October 2017

The Future of Climate Change and Financial Regulation: A Perspective from the Dutch Central Bank
Date: 24 October 2017, 16:30 - 18:30
Speaker : Frank Elderson (Dutch Central Bank)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Halford Mackinder Lecture Theatre
Organisers: TBA
Host: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Inaugural Conference of the Northern European Partnership for Sustainable Finance (NEPSF)
Date: 6 March 2018, 9:15 - 18:15
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue Details: Livery Hall, Guildhall, 71 Basinghall Street, London, EC2V 7HH
Organiser: Fran Walker (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment.)
Host: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)

Events this person is organising:

Monday 29 February 2016

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the post-Paris landscape
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Date: 29 February 2016, 17:00 - 18:30
Speaker s: Philippe Benoit (International Energy Agency), Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Venue Details: Beckit Room, Oxford University Centre for the Environment, South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Organiser: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Hosts: TBA

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Fourth AI and Sustainable Finance Seminar: From Satellite to Supply Chain: New Approaches Connect Earth Observation to Economic Decisions
Date: 28 October 2020, 15:00 - 16:00
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue Details: Online
Organiser: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Hosts: TBA