Name: Professor Masooda Bano
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Wednesday 5 December 2018 (9th Week, Michaelmas Term)

Future of Salafism Conference - Opening Session
Date: 5 December 2018, 17:00 - 18:30 (Wednesday, 9th week, Michaelmas 2018)
Speaker s: Professor Masooda Bano (University of Oxford), Dr Saud Al-Sarhan (KFCRIS)
Venue: Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road OX1 3TB
Venue Details: Seminar Room 3
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Friday 19 June 2020 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

Islam in the Changing World
Date: 19 June 2020, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, 8th week, Trinity 2020)
Speaker : Professor Masooda Bano (University of Oxford)
Organiser: Prof Alexander Betts (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA