Name: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology

Events this person is hosting:

Friday 9 September 2022 (20th Week, Trinity Term)

Mechanism of centromere recognition by regional and point kinetochores from structures of the human and budding yeast inner kinetochore complexes
Date: 9 September 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, 20th week, Trinity 2022)
Speaker : Prof David Barford (MRC - Cambridge)
Venue: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, South Parks Road OX1 3RE
Venue Details: EPA Seminar room
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)

Friday 23 September 2022 (-2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)

The tubulin code: a molecular mechanism to coordinate complex cellular functions
Date: 23 September 2022, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, -2nd week, Michaelmas 2022)
Speaker : Prof Carsten Janke (Institut Curie, Paris)
Venue: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, South Parks Road OX1 3RE
Venue Details: EPA Seminar Room
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)

Friday 27 October 2023 (3rd Week, Michaelmas Term)

Where, when and how: Spatial control of mitosis
Date: 27 October 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, 3rd week, Michaelmas 2023)
Speaker : Prof Jon Pines (ICR, London)
Venue: Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, off South Parks Road OX1 3PL
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)

Friday 14 June 2024 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

Does Cdk order the cell cycle, and what does life look like without loop extrusion?
Date: 14 June 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, 8th week, Trinity 2024)
Speaker : Prof Frank Uhlmann (The Francis Crick Institute, London)
Venue: Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, off South Parks Road OX1 3PL
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)

Friday 27 September 2024 (-2nd Week, Michaelmas Term)

Date: 27 September 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 (Friday, -2nd week, Michaelmas 2024)
Speaker : Prof Alexis Barr (Imperial College, London)
Venue: Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, off South Parks Road OX1 3PL
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Prof Ulrike Gruneberg (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)