Name: Eve Gianoncelli
Maison Française d'Oxford

Events this person is organising:

Thursday 3 December 2020

Trumpism after Trump? The USA After the 2020 Election
Date: 3 December 2020, 14:30 - 16:00
Speaker Various Speakers
Organisers: Eve Gianoncelli (Maison Française d'Oxford), Yves Sintomer (Maison Française d'Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 18 February 2021

‘Ecology and Politics’
Date: 18 February 2021, 16:00 - 17:00
Speaker s: Pierre Charbonnier (EHESS, Lier), Michael Drolet (Worcester College, Oxford)
Organisers: Eve Gianoncelli (Maison Française d'Oxford), Yves Sintomer (Maison Française d'Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 11 March 2021

'Where does Populism stand at the beginning of the 2020s?'
Date: 11 March 2021, 16:00 - 18:00
Speaker s: Chantal Mouffe (Westminster), Federico Tarragoni (Paris Diderot)
Organisers: Eve Gianoncelli (Maison Française d'Oxford), Yves Sintomer (Maison Française d'Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Tuesday 15 June 2021

International Workshop 'Radical(ised) Ideologies in the 21st Century'
Date: 15 June 2021, 9:30 - 17:30
Speaker Various Speakers
Organiser: Eve Gianoncelli (Maison Française d'Oxford)
Hosts: TBA