Name: Jani Bolla
University of Oxford

Events this person is hosting:

Thursday 7 July 2022 (11th Week, Trinity Term)

Evolution of increased complexity and specificity at the dawn of Form I Rubiscos
Date: 7 July 2022, 13:00 - 14:00 (Thursday, 11th week, Trinity 2022)
Speaker : Georg Hochberg (Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology)
Venue: Biology South Parks Road, South Parks Road OX1 3RB
Venue Details: Large Lecture Theatre
Organisers: TBA
Host: Jani Bolla (University of Oxford)

Thursday 7 September 2023 (20th Week, Trinity Term)

Plastid Preview 2023
Date: 7 September 2023, 13:00 - 17:00 (Thursday, 20th week, Trinity 2023)
Speaker : Various Speakers
Venue: New College, Holywell Street OX1 3BN
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: Jani Bolla (University of Oxford), Paul Jarvis (University of Oxford)